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Abandonment of the American Alpha

Jed Babbin 1/09/2012

Posted on Monday, January 9, 2012 7:51:41 PM

For over two centuries "hegemony” has been used to designate "political predominance, usually of one state over another." The new global archetype has taking this position to mean that countries or communities would be willing to surrender their self determination in the presence of a mutually desirable path.  Too often in modern history we have witnessed such a philosophy end in the cultural and political absorption of the more submissive population. It is becoming more and more evident that the United States effectiveness as the global leader has long since fallen to the wayside in light of an emerging international coercive Alpha Omega relationship in which the perceived submissive or Omega members are dominated by the more assertive Alpha member.  Nowhere is this more obvious then to United States and its perceived role in the world’s grand stage as more and more countries are focusing on President Barack Obama to lay forth the blame for lost global footing resulting from current decisions that have deteriorated the function of the United States as a world principal lead figure. Many have cited the domestic and global criticism against the endless spending and excessive dept accumulation of the United States’ “regression from dominance,” approach to government policy as examples of a crisis in global leadership. This abandonment by the United States is not only reckless in terms of its own preservation but it is also the greatest threat to global peace and security in modern history not only does it send the erroneous communication to other nations that might have desired to model their governments after ours, but it is also out of step with what,  more aggressive, countries that are emerging as world players in their attempts to assume the role of global leader at the cost of either regional or global stability by any means it sees fit to promote its own agenda. This critique of the United States predominate role as the dominate global influence for the 21st century is in form of the current administration inapt foreign policies  most of which have all but abandoned his ideology on leadership which he eloquently shared in his 2009 Nobel Peace Prize receipt speech. “We have borne this burden not because we seek to impose our will. We have done so out of enlightened self-interest — because we seek a better future for our children and grandchildren, and we believe that their lives will be better if others’ children and grandchildren can live in freedom and prosperity,” said Obama. Although with the best of intentions, Obama has in all practice surrendered the United States role of Alpha in terms of sphere of influence in global affairs.  Regardless of intent or ideology international leadership has become more reflective of the Alpha Omega relationship than of that of a follow the leader, plainly put, most of the world does not seek to be the dominate global figure but for those who do now is the time for them to reach for position and power.  The far majority of global communities either as established global powers such as Russia or China or as emerging regional threats, long term allies such as Britain or Israel or strait forward threats as Iran and North Korea, all share one common political thread, friend or foe, all look to either lead or be lead.  Around the globe every community must decide which the Alpha is and which is the Omega and fall in ranks accordingly. This role has become more and more confusing because of President Obama “undermined NATO by refusing to let U.S. forces play a full part,” in global affairs such as with Iran. Also called into questions is President Obama’s laser focus on the reduction of the United States being seen as an aggressor at all costs — including world direction resulting in the raises some remarkable points, indicative of that the President’s recent dealings are not that far removed from those of past leaders in history, one only needs to look to Jimmy Carter and his similar policies which have placed the role of the United States as a world leader in jeopardy. We would also add that it places President Obama’s position as the leader of this country in jeopardy. Our take away from this piece — posturing and politicking should not pass for real leadership in the eyes of the world, for the safety of the world the United States needs to reassume its role as Alpha for if current trends continue to happen, then our future will be condemned as one of the Omegas governed by another and doomed to servitude and obedience to the next Alpha.

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